Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crash Course

The amount of information presented in Chris Martenson's Crash Course was mind blowing. The sad fact is that much of the information was not necessarily new to myself. The depth of which the iformation about the economy, environment, and energy was enlightening, but the fact that the world is in trouble was not surprising. If it wasn't for his optomistic outlook, I would have been terribly frightened by the end of the seminar! It is hard to imagine what one person can do in the face of all the changes our world will face in the next 20 years. Some of the areas of my life that I have control over are the amount of money I save and the amount of debt I have. It is in my best interest to prepare for a financial catastrophe. To do this, it is in my best interest to save money and limit the amount of debt I have. Another thing to consider is how my choices affect the environment. We are such a commercial and consumer based society that maybe it is time to think about our needs as opposed to our wants. It is time to think about what we can do for the sake of our community instead of what we can do for ourselves. As I stated before, I found this video very enlightening and plan to pass it on to friends and family to check out. The information about the economy and inflation was especially important to me because I live on a single income while taking care of my daughter. As the cost of living increases, it becomes more difficult to meet our basic needs.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all need to "Powerdown" our lifestyles.

    I think there are some things technology can help with - telecommuting for example. Where I work, our Contract states that we must be on campus for 4 days, regardless of whether we teach 4 days or not.

    It's a control issue for the Administration, I think. They want to see faculty on campus.

    On another topic, I am looking for your posting for last week. Don't fall behind!

